Wednesday, April 27, 2011

26th April 2011 Sint Maarten

Our ship from afar!

Matthew and I at the Sunset Bar near where the planes land.

One of the many planes landing over the beach right next to the Sunset bar - amazing!

Matthew swimming the glass sided pool.

The view from Steve's place! Hard to take!

Today we arrived at Sint Maarten and what an awesome sight watching us come into the island. Steve (my friend from school who has lived there 18 years) met us on the jetty at the end of gang plank and took us for a journey around the island. He took us and showed us where he lives which has to die for views and then we went all the way round the island stopping to have a drink and take in the sights. We stopped at a marina and had a couple of drinks at a restaurant with a pool that you could see them swimming in with a see through glass sided wall. We then went to Sunset bar where the airport is and the planes land right next door to the bar. Then it was off to Chesterfields to meet Sammy - Steve's fiance and that was great. We had to be back at the boat by 5.30 and we got there at 5.40 and we got in trouble for being late - Steve's fault

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