Wednesday, April 27, 2011

25th April 2011 Another Day at Sea

The casino which was huge -took most of the 6th floor.

Glaming it up!!

Another day at sea and still discovering what is on the boat. We went back to the sundeck and got our spot for the day and did some serious sunbaking. We had an announcement over the PA from the captain saying that the toilets had been fixed and that they discovered why they were blocked and they found 3 t-shirts had been put down the toilets - what the? Who would do that? Unbelievable!!! Matthew discovered the kids "recess" area so we didn't see him for most of the day and that night we went to the Cirque of Dreams which was in the Spiegel tent and you went in and it was set up like a tent and we were seated up as part of the circus. We had a beautiful 3 course meal while they performed amazing acts right in front of us - awesome!!

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